Friday, April 30, 2010

Wow, a year gone by

I can't believe that nearly a year has gone by since I posted. I guess maybe my luck has been a little better. There really hasn't been too many only me stories to tell. My husband had a dentist mess up and burnt his lips and gums with acid while attempting to do a root canal. I have never seen a lip so swolen in my entire life. It looked a lot like a hot dog only it was ready to burst. I have been trying to find a dress for my daughter's wedding. I didn't know that anyone could look so bad in so many dresses. If I wanted to be a zebra, a giraffe, a monk, a barrel cactus, or you name it that is what I looked like. I really don't like the clothing and styles right now. I am still trying. I may have to paint my body brown, I don't know. I will say that I have had a good laugh over how I have looked in the dresses. I really want to cry instead. I need a dress. I can find some that I like but they aren't the right color. Oh well.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey mom glad that you took time to write on your blog. Just so you know I love you no matter what color you paint your body or how ugly a dress looks on you I have the same problem love you tons oh and Jaylan keeps sayin I want momma's house so don't get too down you have a lot of fans love you,
Alisha p.s. your the greatest mom ever thankyou for making me become who I am and don't ever forget it!