Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Others with "only me syndrome"

I was talking to some of the students at school today. We were talking about only me stories. I thought mine were good until I heard theirs. One boy said he hit himself in the head with a hammer and had to pull it out off his head. I didn't see scares so it must not have been too bad. He also said that his sister was sleep walking and was carrying his little sister around wondering where to put her. Another student said his father ran a nail through all of his fingers with an an electric nail gun. After talking to them I feel really lucky. They are my bouncers, friends, etc. The one boy gave me a solid milk chocolate Easter rabbit for being sick. He bought it special for me to make me feel better. I told him that I am not taking one bite of that rabbit unitl I loose five pounds. He thought maybe I didn't like Dove chocolate. I told him I love Dove chocolate so this will make me want to lose that weight. I don't know if I am going to last. I have warned Amy and Gary that they are not to touch that rabbit. One student tried to talk me out of it when I was taking it to my car. I told him that it was special and gave him a bag of microwave popcorn instead. I had better lose this weight by Easter.

1 comment:

Strawberry Shortcake said...

What do you need to lose weight for??? You are already skin and bones. Eat the rabbit!! :) Nice kid :)