Friday, April 30, 2010

Wow, a year gone by

I can't believe that nearly a year has gone by since I posted. I guess maybe my luck has been a little better. There really hasn't been too many only me stories to tell. My husband had a dentist mess up and burnt his lips and gums with acid while attempting to do a root canal. I have never seen a lip so swolen in my entire life. It looked a lot like a hot dog only it was ready to burst. I have been trying to find a dress for my daughter's wedding. I didn't know that anyone could look so bad in so many dresses. If I wanted to be a zebra, a giraffe, a monk, a barrel cactus, or you name it that is what I looked like. I really don't like the clothing and styles right now. I am still trying. I may have to paint my body brown, I don't know. I will say that I have had a good laugh over how I have looked in the dresses. I really want to cry instead. I need a dress. I can find some that I like but they aren't the right color. Oh well.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Bad luck or what!

I haven't written anything for a long time. I was hoping that maybe by some chance my luck had changed. Not so. We went to Iggie's for dinner and guess who didn't get any coleslaw. It was suppose to come with my dinner. They also forgot to get my take home container. They gave Amy hers. I was quite upset. It was like they didn't see or hear me. Then we went to KFC and again I ordered mashed potatoes and gravy and coleslaw as sides. I got two coleslaws. Gary ordered the same as me and he got potatoe wedges and coleslaw. They were nice enough to give us some mashed potatoes on the side. This was only after they wouldn't honor the free grilled chicken dinner that we had coupons for. Then to top it all off today we got hit by a tire while driving on state road 6. Yes, a tire came off of a fellows pickup that was driving in the opposite lane and of course it had to happen right when we were passing. You can only imagine how you would feel if you saw a tire rolling at you in your lane. We couldn't miss it because we had a cement barrier on one side and on coming traffic in the other lane. We would have hit the fellow who the tire belonged to if we had swerved into the other lane to miss it. It hit us so hard that it bent the rim of his tire in half. It did a lot of damage to our truck. Gary has waited so long to get a diesel truck and now this. On top of that the air bag should have gone off but no it didn't. It was good that it didn't but it should have. We tired to call Brendon to give us a ride home but he was working in his yard and didn't hear the phone. We were able to get a hold of Amy and she came and picked us up only after we were stuck at the Little Acorn Drive Inn and I had put our stuff on the lawn in an ant hill. Everything we had with us had ants on it. We also had Sydney with us so she had to ride in the tow truck also. Where our truck is I don't know because we can't find an address of the the place that towed it. We are all alive and there is a lot to be thankful for but boy it would be nice to not have to go through anymore. We were suppose to go see the Spiral Jetti for Mother's Day and that requires a four wheel drive which now we do not have so that is out of the question. Also the people that we were going to go with got in a car wreck today as well. That is the only car that they have that runs. Better stay clear of us. I keep telling myself that good things happen to us. It isn't working. The dental insurance also got messed up and thought Gary was my child not my husband. I have spent, I don't know, how many hours trying to get that straightened out. I still have to fax one more thing that I have already faxed them before. They also told me that Gary wasn't covered on this insurance. I took it out just for him. I told them to please not tell me that. I couldn't take anymore. I do have good luck, I do have good luck, I do have good luck. Maybe if I say it long enough and enough times it will happen.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Others with "only me syndrome"

I was talking to some of the students at school today. We were talking about only me stories. I thought mine were good until I heard theirs. One boy said he hit himself in the head with a hammer and had to pull it out off his head. I didn't see scares so it must not have been too bad. He also said that his sister was sleep walking and was carrying his little sister around wondering where to put her. Another student said his father ran a nail through all of his fingers with an an electric nail gun. After talking to them I feel really lucky. They are my bouncers, friends, etc. The one boy gave me a solid milk chocolate Easter rabbit for being sick. He bought it special for me to make me feel better. I told him that I am not taking one bite of that rabbit unitl I loose five pounds. He thought maybe I didn't like Dove chocolate. I told him I love Dove chocolate so this will make me want to lose that weight. I don't know if I am going to last. I have warned Amy and Gary that they are not to touch that rabbit. One student tried to talk me out of it when I was taking it to my car. I told him that it was special and gave him a bag of microwave popcorn instead. I had better lose this weight by Easter.

Friday, February 20, 2009


Right now I am coughing because I have a cold. This is my second cold this year and both have been horrible. I just found out that I could of have gotten paid by a cancer insurance that I have for my skin cancer. Dummy me didn't know that it worked that way. I just thought that they would pay what my insurance wouldn't and my insurance paid for all of it. It may have been a hefty sum. Now I'm not certain if I want to get my spots burned before they turn into cancer or wait until they turn into cancer so I can get back some of the stupid money that I have been paying this stupid insurance company for nine years. The fellow that signed me up said all kinds of false things. He didn't mention that I would have to wait 20 years, yes 20 years before I can leave that money to my family if I don't have cancer. What happens if they find a cure for cancer. I just hit my head into the basement door so was crying from that one. I have a spot on my chest that might be cancer. I just had it burned the other day. I should have let it go because the doctor said that it was precancerous. Maybe I can get some money for this spot. The last spot I had cut out was a barnicle and not cancer. A barnicle, who grows barnicles on them. I wonder if I am turning into something from Pirates of the Carribean. These insurance companies can really rip a person off. It was kind of funny because I was popping popcorn in the faculty lounge at work when this insurance salesman came up to me. I think that he wished that he hadn't. I gave him an earful. He did give me a stupid desk calculator though. I think he felt sorry for me. I told him that it was just my luck. Oh well.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Another few falls

Well, I am still trying to kill myself. I tripped over Amy's dog Nebo and crashed into the night stand tonight. Amy and I took the dogs for a walk and I tripped over Keva's leash in front of two guys and I fell head first into frozen gravely mud. Boy was I embarrassed. I now have scrapes all over my face. I was bleeding on that one. Amy said that she is going to wrap me in bubble wrap if I don't quit hurting myself. Just my luck.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Fun few days

Jesse and Alisha came to visit for a few days. I am now covered in bruises. I tried to stand on the bed portion of a hide a bed in order to turn my clock off. My foot slipped off the edge and I had the clock in my hand. I was not going to let anything happen to that clock. My one leg went through the material on the bed frame and I tipped over backwards. I killed my leg, my shoulder, and was crying but my clock was fine. It's a good thing that I was able to hobble up to bed by myself because no one even heard me. I also went sledding with Savannah. She was on the front and I was on the back. We got going really fast and the the boogie board went over a big bump. My poor rear end came down hard. I think that I have either bruised or broken my tail bone. Boy does it hurt. You would think that someone my age wouldn't still be doing crazy things but not me. I have had a horrible cold and have missed two days of work. I am starting to feel a little better but I keep doing dumb things like going dog sledding with Amy and now sledding with Savannah. I think that we will be heading out for Arizona on Thursday. I hope that the weather holds.

Friday, January 9, 2009


So far this week I was almost killed at least four times. Driving on snowy roads is always scary. I had one lady making a right turn and almost slid into my car. I went to turn left and my car spun in the intersection and almost went up on the island. I had a truck decide to pull out in front of me and went skidding trying to stop. I had a lady make a U turn at a light and almost hit me and honked at me. Luckily I was all right. Last night we went to fast food place. I said that hubby had to fix dinner and that's where we ended up, after having to have our garage door replaced. We still don't know if that is fixed. At a fast food place I ordered a small chili. They said that they only had large chili. Somehow that didn't make sense to me. If they had large chili then they should have small chili, right? They said that they had a recall on all their small chili cups. Has anyone heard of that? I asked if they could put the small amount of chili in a large size container. They couldn't do that. This is the same place that charge me separate prices for every item in a combo. This was more than the $2.99 charge for the combo. I questioned them on it and the manager said that they had to because the price of beef had gone up. I argued because it had it listed on the menu for $2.99. Then he told me that he couldn't change the menu because it would take four hours. I walked out shaking my head. This is also the place that I gave a clerk and $20.00 bill. I realized that I had the exact change so gave him that instead. He took my $20.00 and stuffed it under the counter. I had to ask him for it back and he said he was sorry and forgot. I really wondered. I think that I keep going back there just to see what will happen next. This only goes to show that I eat out way too much.